50 things I want to do before my 25th birthday

Elisa Cantamessa
3 min readJan 5, 2020


Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

In 4 months I will be 25 years old, a quarter of a decade. I have to tell the truth: I’m a bit scared.

I have the feeling to have done not so much in these years.

2020 is already started, but ate the end of last year I decided to didn’t make any resolutions: I knew what I want to achieve or what I want to improve, so I didn’t see a needed for making any.

But I feel that this is something different: these are some of the things — more and less easy to accomplish — that I want to do before being 25 years old.

And If I’m not able to properly finish every point on my list is at least a beginning: pit’s a point where to start!

I’m currently studying communications and journalism. I have some ideas about my career and future, but at the same time, I’m searching for my spot in the world. I’m hoping that this list will help me figure it out.

I have 121 days, so let’s begin:

  1. Getting my degree
  2. Start a YouTube channel
  3. Getting 1k followers on Instagram
  4. Swimming in the Atlantic Ocean
  5. Travel to someplace I have never been before
  6. Learn a new language (be able to understand it)
  7. Write a blog post weekly
  8. Upload at least 2 videos per month
  9. Draw daily (at least for 10 minutes)
  10. Write daily
  11. Participate at a photography contest
  12. Create a photography zine
  13. Design a pin
  14. Design some stickers
  15. Discover more about the place where I live
  16. Visit my city as a tourist
  17. Visit at least one museum per month
  18. Read a book (for pleasure) per month
  19. Read a book (for learning something new) per month
  20. Do not be afraid to do something alone
  21. Take a photograph daily
  22. Complete the challenge “7 days 7 film”
  23. Accomplish the challenge “30 days 30 film”
  24. Improve my editing skills
  25. Start to do to the gym or an activity
  26. Close a holly
  27. Learn how to drop with the skateboard
  28. Learn how to dance on a cruiser
  29. Sketching outside once a week
  30. Learn how to dance jive
  31. Do a road trip, sleeping in the car or the tent
  32. Walk more
  33. Improve my tarot reading ability
  34. Create a blog
  35. Learn new recipes to cook
  36. Do a photoshoot
  37. Learn how to develop color negative film
  38. Improve my ability to develop film in black and white
  39. Create a dark room
  40. Learn how to print my picture
  41. Spend more time with my friends
  42. Visit a new city on a weekend/three days holiday
  43. Donate some of my old clothes
  44. “Marie Kondo” my belongings
  45. Spend less money on things that I don’t need
  46. Learn how to shoot with large format camera
  47. Spend less time on my phone
  48. Improve my English vocabulary
  49. Save some of my salaries
  50. Complete all the tasks!

I have to be honest, writing this list took me some time and effort: I wanted to find all possible goals to set. This is the best I came up with!



Elisa Cantamessa

Digital Product Manager | Passionate about photography, art, and writing.